Monday, January 5, 2009

~ New Year's Eve~

Hey There.. Happy New Year!!!
haha I know im supposed to say it on my last post..
since tht's my 1st post for 2009.. but i simply forgot.. hahaha
But anyways..
On the eve of 2009.. me, my bro and cuzs.. like most ppl
yg coulnd escape the country during tht time.. went to EMPIRE to watch the firework..
I know~ boring ryte? hahah But we still managed to have fun among ourselves..

My Brother.. My Cuz Lisah, Moi' and My Cuz Myza..
When the clock struck Midnight!!

We also ran into Belle..
@ The Beach-side Cafe.. (spammer: jan jelous ah~ some of us still loves u
but tht "some of us" ain't gnna include Moi')
Me n My Bro.. When the clock struck @ 12

Me n My otha Cuz.. (spammer.. Jgn Jelous ah.. U slut!!)
Simply Moi'
After the firework display we ran into our other cuz.. C Rai, Safwana and Dk.Sazianah.. hahaha
Oh yeah.. in tht morning 31st Dec.. Me n some of the MPPs went to PMUBD office
to try n catch up on our works.. wow... Little tht we know.. tht the works tht we were doing turned out to be "uhmmm"...
That big piece of board at the back of my table!!! haha
Just Moi'
We also did a b'day (belated) surprise 4 Shafee.. haha
waiting for us "makan2" were bit unpleasant for him pasal ia balum lunch n he was waiitng for his food at the office....
2 hours went by b4 he furiously texted evryone of us..
"Oi!! Mna kmu kn bitches?!!" haha
skali udh kmi masuk office.. with the surprise Malu2 tia.. haha :p