in accordance to the title posted.. yeah.. 17 ppl from UITM came
to visit our universiti from last dec's 22nd till 25th..
There were a lot of activities organized for them..
DAY 1. - Nuthing much.. just brief meeting.. bla bla
DAY2 Events..
1.Berkumpul @ the senate room chancellor hall for briefings about UBD by the admin.
Then.. later that night.. there's malam kebudayaan.. i was the one incharge..
Hmm.. It was fun.. (externally).. I wud like to sya thanks to all the clubs tht performed tht nyte..
u guys are suck a gud sport.. eventho last2 minute..
Internally the event was a disaster.. but Externally it was sweet.. hehe
Amal, Me, Asilah, Shafiee and Hafiz
With the UITMs..
Day 3. Visitations.. @ the museaus, royal regalia.. u knw all tht places where
tourists go to when they're in Brunei..
Ridzwan, Shafie, Kye and Moi'
@ the gate of the royal regalia
DAy4- Time to go home.
The last circle
@ the CLT Foyer - last activities..
The visit by the uitm's was fun.. new friends.. expereinces..
sorry tht it took me so long to update on this.. hahaa